The article talks about how small changes in the diet can have an effect on weight loss. The article mentions that most people focus on cutting back on calories and exercising more. But if you watch what you eat and switch out certain food items for healthier foods that actually have nutrients, weight loss and maintenance can be achieved. The article mentioned that yogurt helps trim the waistline; being that it does not have fiber, the effect on the intestines must be the reason why the waist is affected. My yogurt treat is adding carob chips, granola or a few drops of grade B maple syrup. I don't eat chocolate which is why I use the carob chips. But I'm sure dark chocolate chips would have the same effect.
Stonyfield Farm - - has a great line of organic yogurts. Whole Foods has $1 off the Oikos Greek yogurt in certain sizes and $0.75 off the 32 oz pint of yogurt. The great thing about Stonyfield Farm is you can get rewards by entering codes from the lids. Currently, Stonyfield Farm has coupons for an additional amount off Oikos Greek and the regular yogurt. You can use the Whole Foods coupon and the Stonyfield Farm coupon together resulting in great savings!
One of my favorite ways to save is stacking a manufacturer coupon with a store coupon!
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