Tuesday, June 28, 2011

National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month

This morning while I was selecting coupons on Mambo Sprouts, I realized there are only a few days left for National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month.  Per the article http://www.mambosprouts.com/blog/5-ways-to-enjoy-more-daily-fruits-veggies/ June is the dedicated month.  I have to admit, it took me about a year to get "excited" about eating fresh fruit and vegetables when I made the decision in 1998 to eat healthy and exercise more.  After 13 years of earnestly trying to eat right, I now look forward to my morning fresh fruit smoothie and fresh cut vegetables with each meal.  Fruits satisfy the sweet tooth and provide energy boosts due to the natural sugars they possess http://www.livestrong.com/article/278972-which-fruits-have-the-most-natural-sugar/.  Vegetables provide nutrients that protect our skin and fiber to allow our bodies to flush out toxins  http://www.livestrong.com/article/240713-what-nutrients-do-fruits-vegetables-provide-in-a-diet/.

Today, let's start our healthy journey by dedicating the last few days of June making an honest effort to eat more fruits and vegetables.  According to EWG.org's article http://www.ewg.org/foodnews/methodology/ there are 12 foods suggested you buy organically due to the high pesticide/contamination content and 15 that are safe to by conventional.  Remember, always try to buy local if possible.  Less travel time means more nutrients and local farmers deserve support.

Eat Organic!
Celery, spinach, sweet bell peppers, potatoes, lettuce and greens, apples, strawberries, peaches, domestic nectarines, imported grapes and domestic blueberries

Okay to eat Conventional.
onions, sweet corn, asparagus, sweet peas, eggplant, cabbage, sweet potatoes and mushrooms, pineapples, avocados, mangoes, domestic cantaloupe, kiwi, watermelon and grapefruit

On sale this week!
Aldis currently has cantaloupe on sale for 99 cents each.
Save A Lot has seedless watermelon for $3.49 each.
Target has sweet corn 5 for $1
Whole Foods has organic raspberries for $3.99 6oz and organic grapes for $2.99 lb

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